
How Much Exercise Does It Take To Burn Off Your Favourite Alcoholic Drinks [Infographic]

The bedrock of losing weight is, of course, lots of exercise and a good diet, but it’s important to remember that a diet doesn’t just refer to what you eat. What you drink will also have a big impact on your body, with alcoholic drinks in particular, being full of calories.
Now the folks at have produced this infographic, taking a look at exactly how much exercise you would have to do to burn off the calories found in some of the nation’s favourite tipples.
For example, a small glass of white wine would only take a seven-minute jog to burn off, while a White Russian would take as long as 33 minutes! They’ve done their researched based on how long it takes to burn off certain amounts of calories when walking, cycling, running and doing pilates, based on a 10-stone person.
As you might imagine, beers are more calorific than wines and spirits, and a pint of bitter would take 15 minutes jogging, 34 minutes walking or 40 minutes cycling to burn off!
Remember though, all of the times estimated are just for one drink, and we all know that not many nights involve just one drink!
You can view the full infographic below to see just how many calories you put into your body on an average night out, and what you should be doing the next day!

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How Much Exercise Does It Take To Burn Off Your Favourite Alcoholic Drinks [Infographic] How Much Exercise Does It Take To Burn Off Your Favourite Alcoholic Drinks [Infographic] Reviewed by Cambodian Apsara Heart's Girl on 3:13 PM Rating: 5

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